Create, Connect, Volunteer.
Teach, Learn, Have Fun!

All Ages. All incomes.
All genders. All inclusive!


List of activities

Music • Dance • Yoga
Theater • Horticulture • Philosophy
Trades • Hobbies • Trips
Cooking • Sewing • Singing
Reading • Relaxing • Play
Exercise • Laugh • Help • Clubs


Hello and welcome to Cape Community Collective!  We are a growing group of residents who are aiming to build a large county community center that is affordable, entertaining, enriching and fun, organized by volunteers, paid for by donors, sponsors and participants, but accessible to all residents of the county who want to participate.  We want to increase the connection in our small community, encouraging friendship, health and wellness, vocational skills, hobbies, interests and neighborly love!  It will take a lot of collective planning, organization, supplies and of course money, however we believe if we all come together with all of our skills and knowledge, we can find the solutions to make this idea become the reality that is so very necessary for our year-round residents!

The philosophy behind this is backed by research which is multi-faceted and complex, but overall, the root of depression, addiction, suicidality, low self-esteem, co-dependency, violence and other maladaptive mental health disorders is SHAME and fear.  Thanks to valid and reliable research, the solution to shame is empathy (enhanced through face-to-face connection with others) and vulnerability (enhanced with creativity, art, and hands-on activities).  This center will promote both of these concepts, with an added twist!  We believe the solution to struggles in self-care and autonomy in our society is not to "give a fish," rather, "TEACH to fish."  Services here will not be free.  It costs money to keep the lights on and the bills paid, and volunteers teaching classes and providing services need to be compensated for their time.  Although there is much to be discussed about costs, membership fees, sliding scales, etc., money will not necessarily be the only method of payment.  We will work to develop ways to "earn" fun center time with volunteerism, donating time to maintenance, child-care, cleaning, upkeep, as well as assign value to donated supplies.  More affluent members who would like to sponsor individuals or families will be welcome to gift to others as well.  The possibilities to not only bring this to reality, but when it's finished, to create ideas for clubs, groups, activities will be endless, and encouraged!   When is the last time you had FUN?  We want to make answering this question simple for you.  At the Cape Community Collective center!!! 

We thank you so much for coming to visit, and we look forward to meeting you very soon!!



Prior to Reading this proposal, we suggest taking a view at these informative TEDx Talks!

Nadine Burke Harris "How childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime"

Johan Hari "Everything You Think You Know About Addiction is Wrong"

Susan Pinker "The Secret to Living Longer May be Your Social Life"

Brene Brown "The Power of Vulnerability"

Brene Brown "Listening to Shame"

Lady Gaga (Inspirational speech about Peace, Kindness and Humanity with the Dalai Lama)

Oprah Winfrey recently participated in an interview on 60 Minutes on CBS network regarding the impact of childhood traumas and adverse childhood experiences into adulthood.  Here you can read and listen: the scientifically-proven solution....CONNECTION and LOVE!

The important question we have to train ourselves to ask those in struggle: Reframe "What's wrong with you?" to "What happened to you?" 




The aim of Cape Community Collective is to establish an inclusive network of recreational, educational and wellness-minded activities within a safe, accessible space. Through encouraging interpersonal connections, fostering creative outlets, promoting self-empowerment and accountability, and teaching the importance of practical life skills and volunteerism, Cape Community Collective seeks to improve the overall health and wellness of the community. It will remain open year-round as a fun and healthy alternative to alcohol-focused festival events, and will continually evolve its offerings based on the desire of its members. Most importantly, all community members will be welcome regardless of background, marital status, age or income.


Cape May County presents an interesting dichotomy of top “honors” – it is home to both the Best Family Beach in the nation, but also has the highest suicide, addiction and out-of-home child placement rates in the state. Its shore towns often break the top ten of Most Expensive Zip Codes in the US, and yet unemployment rates skyrocket in winter months. The mass influx and subsequent exodus of vacationers can leave full-time residents feeling overwhelmed in the summer, yet isolated and abandoned in the off-season. While the fluctuating demographics and shifting seasons of Cape May County could be considered more unique than most towns, it actually is a microcosm of universal health and wellness issues – mental health, depression, substance abuse and the like. Cape Community Collective will be the first local step in addressing these issues. The government has spent millions of dollars on grants toward rehabilitation facilities and addiction recovery centers. Cape Community Collective will not just turn the tide on the already existing crises that our community faces, but also focus on stopping a problem before it begins. Residents, regardless of age and income, will have access to this year-round PRECOVERY CENTER that will allow them to focus on personal and community well-being, vocational skills, creativity, empowerment and education, and forging connections to build a strong, county-wide support network.

Physical Space

The ideal facility for this venture would be expansive enough to allow for the myriad of activities to be offered, while still being centrally located and easily accessible by public transportation. Requirements for this facility include but are not limited to:

  • Multiple small classroom-like spaces for noise control & participant focus

  • Larger gymnasium-like spaces for physical and large group activities

  • Outdoor Space with room for gardening, wildlife and agricultural study

  • Locker rooms and shower facilities

  • Handicap accessibility 

• Ample and secure storage available in each designated space

  • Office space to track volunteer hours and oversee operations


Activities will be coordinated based on factors such as season, demand, availability and interest. Activities will run concurrently in the designated space within the center. Suggestions from participants, volunteers, staff and community members will be considered and discussed in a timely fashion. Activities will generally fall into these categories:

  • WELLNESS: Yoga, Meditation, Fitness Classes, Nutrition, Free Play

  • CREATIVE: Art & Sculpture Classes, Music Classes, Poetry, Creative Writing

  • VOCATIONAL: Metal/ Woodworking, Mechanical, Resume Writing

  • EDUCATION: Science & Horticulture, Technology, Life Skills

  • COMMUNITY: Movie Nights, Book/ Hobby Clubs, “Pot Luck” group activities

Volunteer Structure/ Staffing

Cape Community Collective aims to employ a qualified individual as Center Director, whose responsibilities would include:

• Oversee day to day operations

  • Hire, train and schedule a small staff/committee

  • Coordinate volunteers and track credit hours to be used toward compensation for classes

  • Work with the Board to create and implement new programs and activities

  • Work with various community and press organizations to promote center news

  • Maintain a social media presence and updated calendar on website

A small staff of individuals will also be employed, report to the Director, and be fully CPR certified as well as trained in any emergency procedures (i.e., in case of fire.) At least two staff members will be on-site at all times the center is open and additional staffing/ volunteers will be scheduled in instances of high traffic/ demand. Volunteers will be recruited for many capacities, from teaching classes to property upkeep. Members (participants) of the Collective will be encouraged to take care of the facility as if it were their own. The “non-commercialization” aspect of the center allows its members to feel empowered by the communal “ownership” feel as well earn credits towards classes. Volunteerism will also be encouraged through the sponsoring of low-income individuals and families to create a cycle of inclusion and community that can one day achieve the goal of being financially self-sustaining.

Safety & Security

The new or existing facility will meet all safety codes and ordinances, be handicap accessible, and have adequate locking storage for tools and equipment. Security cameras viewing both interior class space and exterior space (entrance/ exit) will be installed. Employed Staff will be CPR certified and a Security Guard will be retained. Emergency Contact information will be obtained from all participants and filed in office. An intercom system will allow for immediate communication should the need arise.


All necessary property and liability insurance for the multifaceted uses of the structure will be obtained prior to opening. Participants will be required to sign waivers before taking classes and utilizing the space. Minors will be allowed in certain classes without a guardian present ONLY if a wavier is signed by legal guardian. Minors will not be released to any other person than the guardian that brought them and a security system will be in place to ensure safety of children.


The initial financial cost to embark on this endeavor will be high. A suitable property and structure must be secured or constructed. Initial class supplies will be procured through either bulk purchase or donation. Possible offsets to operating costs include: yearly membership fees (adjusted based on income and need), sponsoring families, fundraising events, grants and donations (both time and monetary). High community involvement and membership responsibility will prove integral to keeping operating costs to a minimum.


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